windows sdk add on

Using the Add-on SDK, you can create Firefox add-ons. You can use various standard Web technologies: JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, to create the add-ons. The SDK includes JavaScript APIs, which you can use to create add-ons and tools for creating, running ..

相關軟體 Platform Update for Windows 7 下載

The Platform Update for Windows 7 enables improved features and performance on Windows 7 SP1 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1. The Platform Update for Windows 7 enables improved features and performanc...

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  • add on sdk Windows 8 downloads - Free Download Windows 8 add on sdk - Windows 8 Downloads ...
    add on sdk Windows 8 downloads - Free Download Windows 8 add ...
  • Using the Add-on SDK, you can create Firefox add-ons. You can use various standard Web tec...
    Add-on SDK - Mozilla | MDN - Mozilla Developer Network ...
  • Bring your add-on idea to life by downloading our SDK kit. You can help make our products ...
    Add-on SDK - Remote Desktop Manager
  • 2010年5月19日 - The Windows SDK provides tools, compilers, headers, libraries, code samples,...
    Download Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .NET ...
  • Microsoft Windows SDK, and its predecessors Platform SDK, and .NET Framework SDK, are soft...
    Microsoft Windows SDK - Wikipedia
  • Microsoft Windows SDK(简称Windows SDK或者SDK)是由微软公司出品的一个软件开发包,向在微软的Windows操作系统和.NET框架上开发软件和网站的...
    Microsoft Windows SDK - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
  • This document describes installation and version support for the Windows Software Developm...
    Overview of the Windows SDK
  • Once you install Android Studio, it's easy to keep the Android Studio IDE and Android ...
    Update the IDE and SDK Tools | Android Studio
  • The Windows SDK for Windows 10 contains headers, libraries, and tools you can use when you...
    Windows 10 SDK - Windows app development
  • 適用於Windows 10 的Windows SDK 包含標頭、程式庫與工具,可用來建立在Windows 上執行的應用程式。
    Windows 10 SDK - Windows 應用程式開發 - Microsoft Developer
  • Get the latest developer downloads and tools for Windows 10 and start building a Universal...
    Windows 10 SDK and developer tools - Windows app development
  • Windows Phone SDK 8.0 installs everything you need to build and test Windows Phone apps. T...
    Windows Phone 8 SDK tools
  • Windows SDK AddOn is used by 2 users of Software Informer. The most popular version of thi...
    Windows SDK AddOn software and downloads (cmd.exe)
  • Download and install previous Windows SDK and emulator releases for development on earlier...
    Windows SDK archive - Windows app development
  • Download and install previous Windows SDK and emulator releases for development on earlier...
    Windows SDK archive - Windows app development ...
  • The components of the Windows Installer Software Development Kit are included in the Micro...
    Windows SDK Components for Windows Installer Developers (Windows)
  • 適用於Windows 8 的Windows 軟體開發套件(SDK) 含有各種標頭、程式庫和精選工具,可讓您用於建立Windows 作業系統上執行的應用程式。您可以使用Windows...
    適用於Windows 8.1 的Windows SDK - Windows 應用程式開發
  • 適用於Windows 8.1 的Windows 軟體開發套件(SDK) 含有標頭、程式庫和工具,可讓您用於建立在Windows 作業系統上執行的應用程式。您可以使用Windows ...
    適用於Windows 8.1 的Windows SDK – Windows 應用程式開發